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Voter Information

This website contains helpful voter information for NC citizens.

Please click on the link to view the State Board of Election website. There is a lot of useful information on the site concerning voting in North Carolina.

This page also contain voter registration deadlines, primary and election dates, polling locations, and any other information that might be helpful.  We've also included links to some free tools below where you can verify voter registration status, register to vote, and request an absentee ballot.

  • October 11th: Last day to register to vote in the General Election. Citizens may register at the Board of Elections, 308 W Duncan Street, Lillington NC. 8:00-5:00 pm.
  • October 17th- Nov 2nd: Early Voting starts. District 5 citizens can early vote at Western Harnett High School. Please remember to take a photo ID.
  • Nov 5th: General Election Day. You must vote at your assigned precincts (Western Harnett High  School gym and Johnsonville Elementary School gym ).



Committee to Elect Markita McCrimmon
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